10,000rpm 0.044° accurate rotational position sensor

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Vishay 60mm inductive position sensor

As the device, RAIK060, uses induction, it “isn’t sensitive to magnetic environments, allowing it to be used close to electrical motors”, according to the company.

The specs are impressive: Up to 10,000rpm rotational speed, with custom versions going higher, and 0.044° (≥13bit) accuracy at 25°C with ±1 LSB output noise (0.4mm air gap).

Operation is over 360° of rotation (there are multi-turn variants) and -40 to +105°C. Robustness is claimed against external magnetic fields, moisture, airborne pollution, vibration and mechanical shock.

Repeatability is ≥17bits, said the company, and resolution is 18bit (~0.0014°, 262 144 points).

Physically, the stator of the sensor (green PCB in photo) is 60mm in diameter, next to which rotates the 46mm diameter (gold-coloured) disc rotor. Together these are 5mm thick and weigh 15.5g.

As the sensor has a 25mm hole though the middle, it can be used on hollow shafts.

“The position sensor is ideal for robotics, motor drives, and other demanding industrial applications requiring accurate positioning – including conveyor belt control and automated guided vehicles, as well as gimbal functionality for missile launchers and guidance systems,” said the company. “Variants can be dedicated to actuator position control for drones and aircraft.”

Power needs are 100mA from 5V, and there are variants offering SSI, BiSS-C or SPI outputs. Data latency can be below 5μs.

Find the RAIK060 product page here

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