The 2nm Rumour Mill

1 Min Read

After all, in December, questions over Samsung’s 2nm yield were rife while TSMC was ploughing ahead with 2nm fabs at Kaoshiung and Baoshan with planned Q4 outputs of 25-30k wpm and 20-25k wpm respectively. The Kaohsiung yield was reported to be over 60%.

It is said that the median price for a 3nm wafer is currently around  $18k down from the initial production price of $20k

So, with the price for TSMC’s initial 2nm wafers currently reported to be $30k, TSMC’s usual big early customers – Qualcomm and Nvidia – could be encouraging the move-to-Samsung rumours as a manoeuvre to get the price down, while TSMC could be feeding the mill with positive stats on its 2nm process to justify what could turn out to be an opportunity for monopoly pricing.

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