Multi-band antennas for GNSS

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Triangulation across several satellites provides faster and more accurate acquisition and lock onto signals, particularly in built-up areas. The L-Band capability means Levity Series antennas also work with high-precision GNSS correction services. Systems equipped with these services typically achieve better than 200 cm positioning accuracy, aided by comparing signals from different frequency bands so that receivers can correct for ionospheric delays and other errors.

Two further benefits of multi-band acquisition are integral redundancy, which, among other advantages, minimizes satellite security blind spots, and reduced energy consumption, as faster acquisition demands less system uptime, which saves power.

The primary applications for the AHP24510 and AHP54510 are wearables, navigation, transportation, robotics, precision agriculture, and autonomous vehicles.

“We see a growing opportunity for multi-band antennas in critical applications, not least drones, robotics, precision agriculture, and ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems),” says CEO Dermot O’Shea.

Levity Series active antennas utilize a 45 x 45 x 10 mm wide-band, dual-stacked patch design combined with a dual-feed, low noise amplifier (LNA) with 28-29 dB gain, and filter. The maximum antenna VSWR is 1:1 from 1207 MHz to 1603 MHz and the passive antenna efficiency (excluding the LNA) ranges from 39.93% at the lowest design frequency to a peak of 68.51% in the L1 band. The antennas use right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) to mitigate multipath interference, ensuring optimal signal reception and minimized losses. Cables and connectors are fully customizable.

The AHP24510 and AHP54510 are part of a family of Levity multi-band products from Taoglas designed for high-precision applications. Other antennas include the HP24510A L1/L2/L-Band and HP54510A L1/L5/L-Band stacked-patch passive components, and the TFM.120A surface-mount front-end module (FEM). The TFM.120A covers the full multi-band GNSS spectrum, including L-Band.

Development kits are available for the active antennas to simplify and accelerate integration.

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